Squarage® meets 8 out of 12 California Standards for Career Ready Practice!
Playing It Safe Is Risky
Squarage® meets 8 out of 12 California Standards for Career Ready Practice!
For CTE and Workforce Development:
It’s a post-pandemic workforce, therefore career readiness curricula should evolve and adopt contents and methods of instruction that contextualize to our current workforce climate. Evolution is the only way to enhance student learning outcomes, student success, employability, and job retention.
Our Interview Skills, Job Retention, Job Search Prep, and Mental Health Conditioning Curriculum’s proof-of-concept contents are highly unique so your students can distinguish themselves from the pool of generic candidates in today’s workforce development.
Enhancing CTE Career Pathways For:
Click below for a FREE DEMO of each curriculum!
Staff Development that includes certification training, facilitation for the Squarage Curricula.
Recent Staff Developments
Playing it safe is risky.
We can do online eLearning or on-site training for Interview Skills, Job Retention, Job Search Prep, and Mental Health Conditioning workshops for your classes.
Student Success!